Starbright Early Learning CenterThe mission of Starbright Early Learning Center is to offer affordable, high quality care to young children and their families. Excellent teachers and a rich learning environment are the keys to every child’s positive experience.
By recognizing and reinforcing each child’s unique strengths and abilities, teachers work to raise children’s self-esteem and thereby contribute to their growth in less developed areas. Starbright promotes creativity, self-discipline, self-worth, and a positive attitude in experiencing life. What some perceive as mistakes or failures, we perceive as positive steps forward in the learning process. Above all, emphasis is placed on promoting emotional security and happiness for each child.
Welcome to the homepage of Starbright Early Learning Center. Within the links of this site you can find most of the information about our preschool including times, classes and the fun activities that we do. We even have an interactive games page under the Children's Corner button in the main menu at the top of our page. For any other information, please feel free to send us an email or call us from our Contact Us page.
3531 East Tudor RoadAnchorage, Alaska 99507(907) 562-1414 – Fax:(907) 562-5051