UVAPOD 569-5656 Summer Time Specials ALL NEW Ultra High Pressure
UVAPOD 10 minute maximum $60
1/2 Off to try first time for 10 minutes.....$30 9 minutes.....$27 8 minutes.....$24 7 minutes.....$21 6 minutes.....$18 5 minutes.....$15
Why does UVAPOD transport you from white to tan? The maximum tanning time in a high pressure UVAPod is achieved in one week versus other high and low pressure tanning systems that will take four weeks
to achieve the maximum tanning time. Four weeks to avoid sunburn.
A light meter will prove a uvapod has more UVA tanning power to
achieve and maintain your tan with fewer sessions. One week to tan.
Did you know to achieve the maximum tanning time for your skin
type the FDA requires labeling and exposure standards to prevent overexposure? Look for that label on the tanning system.
You can use this 10 to 15 sessions
at our competitors or an equivalent.... in one session
with the UVAPOD transporter
First time introductory special includes
One 10 minute session for $79.00 (one week exposure time is recommended)
The two most often asked questions are:
How long will it take me to get a tan without burning? How much does it cost?
To answer the first question you'll want to look for three things in a tanning system and they are:
1) Tanning power. 2) A shorter maximum exposure time. 3) Fewer sessions to achieve that exposure time.
An exposure label on the tanning system is required by the FDA to help you avoid overexposure with three sessions per week for four weeks until the desired color is achieved.
To answer the second question,... looking at the chart will help you to figure out how much money and time you can save taking one session in the UVAPOD compared with the many more sessions you'd be taking in other tanning systems to achieve that same amount of light. And don't forget to add in the cost of an ounce of accelerator lotion for each session you take. I'll let you do the math, and let our reputation of 23 years in the high pressure tanning business speak for itself.
Sincerely, Doug Williams original owner
P.S. Exposure Schedules to help you with the math
Contact us at 569-5656