The Fairbanks Chiropractor to see - Chiropractor Fairbanks
The Chiropractor Who Helps Fairbanks Stay Well
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Our chiropractic website is especially designed for health-conscious folks in Fairbanks.
As a chiropractor, I get to help people who suffer from a variety of health issues. Naturally, chiropractors help traditional neck and back problems, but chiropractic has also produced wonderful results with a variety of problems you wouldn't normally associate with the spine. Chiropractic is safe. Chiropractic is natural. And Chiropractic works!
Find out why other Fairbanks-area residents are choosing the chiropractor committed to patient education and understanding in Fairbanks.
Call to arrange a consultation today and find out if you're a good candidate for today's chiropractic care!
Dr. Todd Lovell | Chiropractor Fairbanks Alaska | (907) 458-8633
Fairbanks Plugged In!
Organic food? Great! But health-conscious Fairbanks-area residents who consult our chiropractic office know that without one other important ingredient, they're merely wasting their time and money! more
Stress and Chiropractic
There are three basics types of stress. (Do you know what they are?) And while chiropractic can't eliminate stress from your life, it can do one very important thing to reduce its impact on your life. more
Whats Eating You?
Anorexia is an eating disorder affecting nearly 1% of all women. Are you at risk? Take this quiz. more»
Hot or Cold?
Heating pad or ice pack? What should you use? This Fairbanks chiropractor explains it simply. more»
The Great Cholesterol Hoax
Many in Fairbanks have fallen for it. But your body actually needs cholesterol to function. more»
Take Time to Pamper You!
Are you one of those in Fairbanks feeling a bit stressed? Take some time out for yourself. more»